Hi You! I am glad you are here.
This is a Mystery School at the Crossroads Centering the Healing Arts. For Healers, Mystics and Empaths to discover Self-Leadership through Self-Expression. Shaping your IDENTITY is your SACRED RESPONSIBILITY. Will you? Check it out and then let's talk one-on-one. ~ Shiloh Sophia


Intentional Creativity® Certification Training
is 5 Months, and starts June 1.

LIVE Virtual with in person options so it can be a hybrid.
You can join us for optional gatherings in Sonoma, Mexico and Greece or do it all online.

Live Virtual means it is via Livestream and Live Conversations in real time. Not a pre-recorded home study program. If you are called, apply today.

The first painting and process we will create is called EXOTIC INNER WILDERNESS and will give you a tour of your internal world...and bring it into the life you are living.

Yes, everything you need is within you; and no, most of us don't have enough access to our inner worlds to find what we need and how to bring it into our identity and into our lives.

We haven't developed the pathway of discovery and discipline that offers consistent access to our genius. Hint: It has a lot to do with your nervous system and neuroscience and how it can work for or against us.

For those of us who are 'sensitive' to the world around us, we are often over-whelmed with the external inputs which can make the internal access challenging to navigate, regulate and realize in our lives. This means our dreams and visions take longer and longer to bring to life, seemingly elusive year after year.

Here's a Truth. To lead others you must first learn to lead yourself. We can show you how to begin a pathway of leadership that is unique, authentic and agile to the changing contexts of the modern world and how your unique way of being is your most powerful asset.

This is even and especially for those who are told you 'feel too much', 'care too much' or are 'overly emotional' who KNOW that how you feel is actually your gift, not your drawback.

For those who choose we also can offer you a Certification with the tools to guide others in their transformation towards self-leadership through self-expression.

This experience is called ANIMYSTICA: This is your invitation to become Co-Creators with the natural world around you (animism) and the supernatural world (mysticism) you carry within you. Unite your inner world with the natural world to embody grounding, prowess, insight and inspired actions.

This truly 5 month hybrid training is a once in a lifetime experience with curriculum delivered in real time by Curate Shiloh Sophia and the Intentional Creativity Guild. This is not a zoom class, or canned pre-recorded content. This is HIGH DEF LIVESTREAM BROADCAST right into your screen of choice, including a big tv or your computer.

Photo of Shiloh Sophia by Ruby Monson, at Musette Atelier on the Sonoma, Plaza, May 4, 2024

Meet Shiloh Sophia, a renaissance woman in the world of education who has been leading self-expression based awakening to a global audience since 2013. She is the Co-Founder of MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity and Consciousness, a global classroom with a local presence at at 6500 campus and ranch in her hometown of Sonoma, California.

While Shiloh is an artist, poet, storyteller and healer, she has chosen to use her innate gifts to awaken the gifts in others - she calls it Intentional Creativity. Shiloh has been facilitating spaces for education since 1998, consistenly providing physical and virtual venues for catalytic work to get created. Yet Shiloh is not just creative for the sake of creativity, she is also an Entreprenuer who has been in the top 2% of female grossing woman-guided businesses since 2018.

She wanted to live life on her terms and finance her own revolution through her self-expression - and by the age of 40 she had sold over a million dollars of her own art and books without representation from an outside marketing agency or investors. But in 2010 she made a huge change, she realized that making and selling paintings and books to people who could afford them was incredible... what was even more incredible was to teach others how to do it for themselves.

She became a community leader who reached over 100k people by the age of 38. She has created jobs for an inter-generational team of colleagues that has offered millions of dollars of jobs doing something she loved. Her 3 organizations are all run by people who have taken Musea University trainings.

You can talk to Shiloh Sophia and share your dream for your life, your challenges so far in arriving there, and create a breakthrough plan for bringing your vision closer.

1. Explore Animystica to see if it is right for you. Yes read the website. You can start here with the
Overview and don't miss that the tabs at the top of dropdowns of everything you need to know.

2. If you are called, fill out the application and book an interview with Shiloh Sophia and show up.

That's it.