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MUSEA presents the ONE training of 2024, which is offered LIVE in real time with Shiloh Sophia.

This training is delivered via the senses to create a rich experience of flow, magic, beauty, intention, and somatic felt engagement.

Let's Explore the Pathways!

One of the best things is being able to declare ...

"I am in the right place, at the right time, with the most juicy circle of people imaginable! I am expanding wholistically, spiritually, creatively, sexually, intellectually, and in my capacity to lead my life on my terms according to my inner voice. This is living. No matter what else is happening around me, I experience sovereignty in my choices. I am called, and I know it. Nothing will stop me from my call, and when I answer my call, I heal myself and contribute to healing the world. I am in charge of my choice, my consciousness, and how my soul communicates through my chosen identity."


A Mystery School at a Crossroads. An experience of being within creation, collaboration, contribution, and participation in the Great Mysteries. Let us gather, sing, drum, paint, pray, and let poetry fall from our lips like nectar.


We are an Ancient Futurist Intentional Community rooted in LOVE. We call ourselves MUSEA which is the plural of museum, muses and seat of muses.

MUSEA, in the form of the ANIMYSTICA, is training within a modern mystery school guided by the International Cura Council of Creatives, Curators, and Community members with a 500-year Vision. The Cura Council is 20 years into our Vision and has over 50 years of foundational research, development, and practice. It is held under the stewardship of MUSEA's first Curator, Shiloh Sophia.

Our teachings for this training are called Mother Tongue. We use this term because being a healer is natural and innate. You may need greater access to your inner world through nature and engaging in the mysteries. Hence, Animystica.

We are a Council of healers, artists, oracles, speakers, activists, and wild dreamers coming together to weave our collective wisdom.

Gathering at MUSEA Sonoma May 2023


Join us in designing the living-loving present based on awareness of the past and hope for the future. Through the Mother Tongue Teachings, you will create your own Body of Work and Create YOUR OWN BOOK!

We will spend time in nature right in the places we live, getting to know the landscape, the waters, the plants, the animals, the seasons, and the cycles, and forging a relationship with our earth home, no matter where we live or how long we live there. We will bring this relationship with creation into our works of art, songs, writings, and circles.

Through this intimate view of our relationship with creation, we will forge our individual and collective Animystic Ethos, which will inform our Body of Work.


Our vision is to restore the archetype and practice of the CURA - An embodied Village Healer aware of the Four Natures. We empower mystics of all traditions to care for the Soul of the Village through ritual, ceremony, creativity, and healing. This archetype is CURA, which means to cure, curate, and care. We see ourselves as stewards and stewarded by creation.

The Cura cares for themselves first, then choose how they will serve the soul of the village.

We offer a 500-year calendar and plan called The CURA COUNCIL, which includes 8 Ceremonies based on the Seasonal Wheel of the Year.

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MUSEA is home to an intergenerational and multicultural collective of emerging and experienced creatives, healers, and leaders. Our matriarchal art lineage, beginning in the 1930s, is the framework for practice in intentional arts of every medium.

Our great work, Intentional Creativity®, is rooted in storytelling, education, and social justice through self-expression as a method of chosen transformation. It is the cornerstone of an interdisciplinary practice weaving creative arts, sciences, somatics, transpersonal psychology, and archeomythology.

Explore Animistic Mysticism to use personally, transpersonally, and professionally.


Intentional Creativity Certifications can be applied to your life, family, circles, teachings, and clients. Our certifications are a potent initiatory journey that guides healing arts practitioners, educators, and healing professionals to ...

  • Bring creativity into your existing offerings.
  • Create new offerings around the practice of Intentional Creativity.
  • Develop and access your content to shape it into your teachings.
  • Discover language about creativity to add to your offerings.
  • Strengthen your body of work and the story around your work.
  • Develop creative assets 'visuals' to share with your clients and marketing.

Students who complete Animystica will earn six continuous education units (6-CEU) and Intentional Creativity Cura Certification.

You can choose to learn our craft and receive a Certificate for personal or professional use, allowing you to work with the materials solo or within your community.


The Animystica Curriculum is created and lived in Real Time through High-Quality Virtual Streaming, Videos, a Private App, Zoom, E-mail, and optional In-Person Gatherings in Sonoma, California, and Greece. Every week, you will receive instructions on what action to take to move forward in completing the course curriculum.


Approximately 8 hours per week. You choose how to work it into your week it can be a single full day, two half-days, or four 2-hour sessions.


This training is for those who are Called. Feeling called is the primary requirement. You may not know WHY you are called, but you know intuitively, instinctually, that you must apply. Your fingers want to tell your story in the application... something within you is ready, even if you don't know what it is... yet.

You are curious about practicing animism and mysticism through the healing arts, including movement, magic, and the muse through painting, drawing, writing, and gathering.

Animystica is a creative spiritual path open to all pronouns and rooted in a Matriarchal lineage of passing gifts from hand to hand.

You are called to be healed and to heal others. You love the earth and all beings and want to deepen your relationship to creation.

You are ready to be connected in a creative spiritual devotion that will last lifetimes.

You want to design and create your Body of Work.

You are ready to design the curriculum that is most relevant to the great unfolding.

You are called to work with Intentional Creativity and processes of self-expression in the fields you work with.

Are you curious about what it would be like to live a life of devotion?

A devotion you design for you, yet inspired by a true and proven pathway of interconnection with all of life?

Would it be of benefit to you to have a new spiritual practice?

A practice that is inclusive of anything you are already doing in your spiritual life; add the sacred sauce of self-expression.

Have you been looking for your tribe, your people, and your place in the circle?

A community that has been gathering for close to 30 years, filled with devoted creatives and healers who practice intentional community and creativity together.

Online Delivery

You can take the ANIMYSTICA training from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection on your own time. All materials are yours to keep. Our trainings are designed to help you feel a quantum connection to your peers through our regular Circles on Zoom + Access to a private group in our iMusea App. And... if you seek a deeper connection with fellow healers and mystics by meeting face-to-face and hand-in-hand, you will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join us in person at our physical location - MUSEA Center, in Sonoma, California. Or we are also planning a trip to Greece and Mexico!

Color of Woman graduation Ceremony August 2023

Spending time in Sacred Ceremony at Wild Water Creek.

Sharing Meals together prepared by Chef Jonathan McCloud

There is always a creative aspect to our events in person!


We have a big promise for Animystica Training. The Promise is that we will co-create a sacred transformational space rooted in Intentional Creativity, discovery, and self-leadership. You will leave the experience with heightened self-awareness and capacity, and with a body of work to be proud of that represents your journey. You will become a Guardian of the Sacred Teachings - ours and yours.

Revisit the home page for all the juicy details.

WHAT: 5 Month Online Training with 3 In Person Gatherings - Starting in Mexico, 2 in California and 1 in Greece

WHO: For you for personal and/or professional purposes

WHEN: June 1 Every Week for 5 Months. There are scheduled events but you can do it on your own time.

HOW: Delivered LIVE Weekly so it is all FRESH, REAL TIME EXPERIENCES. Through a combination of Zoom and Livestream - with additional videos and text.

The Training is delivered LIVE by Shiloh Sophia in real time. She is traveling with you.


  • Your Seat: in The Cura Council - Our 500 year plan for ceremony - we are actively training members to carry this into the future - those who come in person will most likely be the ones to pass on the teachings.
  • Instruction: Passing on the ENTIRE curriculum listed in the Home page.
  • Ritual: Ceremony and Initiation into the Cura Archetype
  • Studio Time: Four hours in your studio
  • Nature Time: Weekly forays into nature no matter the weather
  • 500-year: Building your portfolio


  • Two Major Paintings and 2 Minor Teachings
  • Your Portfolio- which serves as your material for certification.
  • Meditation, Movement, Metacognitive Drawing and Making Medicine Paintings
  • Connect with our Co-Creative Community and Connections in our private group in the iMusea app

  • CERTIFICATION: If you choose to Certify - because you want to teach the content you are learning in your own circles, workshops, and for use with clients -you must complete all of the required coursework. There is a one-time fee of $250.
  • CREDENTIALS: For MUSEA University Students - Upon completion of the required curriculum, you are eligible for 9 University Academic Course Credits. Adding in-person gatherings increases by 3 credits per gathering.
  • CERTIFICATION of COMPLETION: A digital copy for download with your name. If you take ANMIYSTICA for your own personal purposes and choose not to certify, you will still need to complete your coursework to get a certificate.
  • TIME INVESTMENT: Most of the training will be delivered twice a week for five months that includes live, video, and calls. You will need to spend 4 hours a week to complete it in 6 months. How you engage with the material can be on your own schedule within the 6 months.

We are doing what we can to support your journey. Now it is your turn.

What are the Certification details?

Receiving an Intentional Creativity Cura Certification signifies you have completed the coursework and authorizes you to do the following:

  • Practice with patients and clients in this Animystica curriculum.
  • Educate and offer workshops, courses, classes etc. on the Animystica curriculum.
  • Earn MUSEA University credit towards earning your MUSEA University CURATE Degree.

Receiving a Certification in Medicine Painting will enable you to

  • Learn to teach Medicine Painting.
  • Learn to teach Metacognitive Drawing.
  • Receive or add a Certification from MUSEA University.
  • Become a graduate and join our global graduate community called the Guild.
  • Become eligible to teach, support, and work with MUSEA as a certified educator.
  • Learn how to guide circles, classes, courses, and workshops with Intentional Creativity.
  • Develop a relationship with living rituals and ceremonies.
  • Practice and use intuitive painting as a method of self-healing through Medicine Painting
  • Discover using simple, intuitive drawing to access your internal world through Metacognitive Drawing.
  • Create 2 Medicine Paintings that will be the artifact of your Animystica experience.
  • Build a journal of Practices to use for the rest of your life.
  • Engage with a Creative Spiritual Practice that you can use the rest of your life.
  • Create a portfolio.

Animystica Prerequisite

Unlock Your Intuition + Liberate Healing Gifts: